Services Related to Security

Services (4)

Secure Computing

Request assistance with monitoring or improving network security. Network security includes assistance with scoping firewall rules and monitoring for unexpected or unwanted traffic.

Security Consulting

Consultation services to help Identify problems, evaluate security issues, assess risks, and implement solutions to address threats to a the university's computer networks and computer systems

Security Incident Response and Investigation

Incident response (IR) is a set of information security policies and procedures that you can use to identify, contain, and eliminate cyberattacks. The goal of incident response is to enable an organization to quickly detect and halt attacks, minimizing damage and preventing future attacks of the same type.

Security Policy & Compliance

A security policy (also called an information security policy or IT security policy) is a document that spells out the rules, expectations, and overall approach that an organization uses to maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of its data. Security policies exist at many different levels, from high-level constructs that describe an enterprise’s general security goals and principles to documents addressing specific issues, such as remote access or Wi-Fi use.