
What Is It?

VoiceThread is a web-based application that allows you to place media artifacts such as images, presentations, videos and documents and have an asynchronous discussion around it.

A VoiceThread lets people interact with various content and their peers

VoiceThread allows peers to leave comments using any mix of text, microphone, webcam, drawing tools, telephone, or uploaded audio file. 

VoiceThread is also accessible and made to be compatible with screen reader technology. Additionally, captions are automatically generated and there is a built in editor to help correct mistakes.

Who Is Eligible to Use It?

VoiceThread is available to Faculty, Staff, and Students


For more information

See our website: https://it.stonybrook.edu/services/voicethread

Service Request


Service ID: 8152
Sat 11/25/23 10:26 AM
Sat 11/25/23 10:33 AM

Service Offerings (1)